ORA-00972: identifier is too long

Hi there, we just upgraded from 2.5.8 to 3.3.2, and getting the following error com.mendix.core.CoreRuntimeException: Exception occurred in action '{"amount":20,"sort":[{"direction":{},"memberName":"List.ListAppEntityMxObjectType/MxModelReflection.MxObjectType/Name"}],"formName":"List.ListOverview","returnsCount":true,"offset":0,"type":"RetrieveXPathSchemaRawAction","xpath":"//List.AppEntity"}', all database changes executed by this action were rolled back at com.mendix.core.actionmanagement.CoreAction.c(SourceFile:493) Caused by: d: An exception has occurred for the following request(s): fn (depth = -1, amount = 20): //List.AppEntity Caused by: d: Exception occurred while retrieving data. (SQL State: 42000, Error Code: 972) Caused by: java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: ORA-00972: identifier is too long As you can see from the exception above, we've got a module called List and this in turn has an entity called AppEntity. AppEntity has an association to MxObjectType in the MxModelReflection module. When we add the AppEntity entity to a grid, and browse to it, we get this error. The Grid only has one column which is the MxObjectType's Name attribute. Any ideas? Kind Regards Frikkie
1 answers

This happens for Oracle when the complete name of some identifier is more than 30 characters long. However if a name turns out to be too long as is likely in your case (List.ListAppEntity_MxModelReflection.MxObjectType or something) the runtime server will shorten the name so it fits, so I'm not sure why this error occurs.

If you can reproduce this issue in a testproject we'd like to see it.
