Firefox bug in 2.5.6

Never mind the comment that the platform needs updating. We know :) But I have a strange problem in Firefox (most recent version). I have multiple forms with the same two microflow buttons. On most forms they just work (see screenshot, the two buttons on the right) On the forms where the button do not work I can see in firebug the mendixButtonbuttonDisabled. See below. <div id="mendix_widget_ViewButton_3" class="dijitInline mendix_Button mendix_Button_button mendixFormView_contentButton mendix_Button_buttonDisabled" mxid="2234694" focusindex="0" title="Klik hier om de aanvraag opnieuw in te sturen" widgetid="mendix_widget_ViewButton_3" tabindex="0" style="-moz-user-select: none;"> <div class="mendix_Button_left"> <div class="mendix_Button_right"> <div class="mendix_Button_content"> <img class="dijitInline mendix_Button_image" dojoattachpoint="imageNode" src="ui/images/icons/Basis$Undo_16x16.png"> <span class="dijitInline mendix_Button_caption" dojoattachpoint="captionNode">Klik hier om de aanvraag opnieuw in te sturen</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> Where the buttons do work I see the following code: <div id="mendix_widget_ViewButton_7" class="dijitInline mendix_Button mendix_Button_button mendixFormView_contentButton" mxid="2234660" focusindex="0" title="Klik hier om de aanvraag opnieuw in te sturen" widgetid="mendix_widget_ViewButton_7" tabindex="0" style="-moz-user-select: none;"> <div class="mendix_Button_left"> <div class="mendix_Button_right"> <div class="mendix_Button_content"> <img class="dijitInline mendix_Button_image" dojoattachpoint="imageNode" src="ui/images/icons/Basis$Undo_16x16.png"> <span class="dijitInline mendix_Button_caption" dojoattachpoint="captionNode">Klik hier om de aanvraag opnieuw in te sturen</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> Could somebody explain why firefox disables the button but the form works in IE (chrome not yet tested). How come that a different class is placed on the exact same button? Is there something wrong in de Mendix.css stylesheet? How could I fix this (for both browsers). Regards, Ronald
1 answers

This sounds like a bug which has already been fixed in 3.3.0. This bug had nothing to do with styling, but with the form not being loaded completely. A button always starts in disabled state, enabling itself once loaded. I think that explains the disabled class. Could you test if the problem can still be reproduced on the latest 3 (3.3.2) or 4 release (4.1)?
