How do I create batch update functionality?

I want to add batch update functionality to a data grid. Example: I have a grid of issues. I want to select multiple records, then use the invoke button to open a form in which I enter the values that I want to change. I add a manual save button to that form that runs a microflow that copies the values from the form to the selected issues. In my current approach I need two microflows: One that is called when clicking the invoke button. This microflow opens the batch update form based on a temporary issue item. One that is called when clicking a manual save button on the batch update form. This microflow closes the form, copies the data from the temporary issue item to the selected issues and then deletes the temporary issue item. The problem is that I cannot pass the list of selected issues to the second microflow. Error message: It should have one parameter of type "issue". Questions: Is this the correct mechanism to create batch (multiple) update functionality? If not, what is a better approach? If so, how can I pass the list?
1 answers

Hi Frans,

You're almost there. The only thing you have to do is using a different object like an "Update object" instead of using the same "Issue object". In this "Update object" you can use the user input and perform the actions with this user input.

Then you have to create an association from your "Update object" to the issue object, so that it can refer to a number of issues. Then, create a form with a data view on "Update object", which contains the fields that you want the user to enter, as well as "OK" and "Cancel" action triggers (customized buttons).

Trigger a microflow from your data grid, create a "Update object" object and fill the reference to the Issue object with the selection that is passed to the microflow. Then open the user input form with the 'Update object" object as parameter.

In the microflow you can use the "OK" button and use the reference from the passed "Update object" to the Issue object to retrieve the selected Issues. Then update all fields. Also delete the "Update object" like you described in your question to clear up the database. Finally, close the form.

In the "Cancel" microflow (which you trigger from a customized Cancel button) you only need to delete the "Update object" and close the form.

It's almost the same issue as described here.

Good luck!
