Administration images 4.1

I notice that a lot of images has changed in the administration module. Some have changed name, a lot of new images (thank you for that) but also some are missing. Take for instance the accept image (but may be I am the only one that has used that one a lot). And strangly the Mendix icon is also missing from the set. The result when importing a module in a 4.1 project is a lot of errors because of missing images. I can accept the choice that the standard set changes, and indeed some images could use a renaming. But would it not have been wise to keep the old images there? Because now almost all the app's in the store that are a module will generate errors when importing into a 4.1 project. Are all the Mendix apps getting checked on this and receuve a update in the store? Or will this only happen after a support request? Regards, Ronald
1 answers

We changed the images because some of them did not look good on mobile devices and lacked transparency. Also, we had not refreshed the images in a long time.

App Store modules should preferably not rely on images in the Adminstration module. The Administration module is just a module that can be deleted or renamed in which cases the links to the images would break anyway.

It is the responsibility of App Store module providers to make their modules play well with the latest versions. And if Mendix is the provider, you can of course remind us using a support request.
