Email with AdvEmail does not arrive

I am using the AdvEmail module. The email does not arrive. When I debug the SendEmailMessage microflow returns EmailSuccess=false when making the Java Call 'SendEmailAttachements'. I am using the correct mail server settings: smtp host: localhost smtp port: 25 I am not using attachements, html messages or signatures. Therefore I've set the following parameters: MessageHTML: empty Use Signature: false CC: empty BCC: empty FileDocumentList: empty Any idea why mails are not arriving ?
4 answers

In the cloud see this On your local server, depends on your provider or you can use google with the correct settings. However AdvEmail does not have either TLS or SSL settings (forgot which one). port 587 TLS, port 465 SSL.


From which sender are you sending the message? The SMTP servers on the mendixcloud are somewhat picky: only valid from addresses are accepted.


@Achiel, I'am not sure which server is used. The application is the Cargill application in the mendix cloud.

The from address that I am is indeed a non existing adres. I used ''. Should I specify a valid email address here ?


@Achiel, do do you mean with a valid email address. Should it be correctly formattted as an email address, or should it also be an existing address.

What I am looking for is a kind of 'noreply' address. I want to be able to send out an email, but I dont need responses back.
