Imported a webservice and sent a message and got the following response: First I received the response in Tube (content) and after that I received the response. It is impossible for me to map the response in Mendix (4.1.0) because it is empty... How can I map this kind of response ? Response message: Response message received in Tube [ MesageDumpingTube ] Instance [ 2 ] Engine [ Metro/2.1 (branches/2.1-6728; 2011-02-03T14:14:58+0000) JAXWS-RI/2.2.3 JAXWS/2.2: Stub for ] Thread [ akka:event-driven:dispatcher:request-dispatching-34 ]: <soapenv:envelope xmlns:soapenv="" soapenv:encodingstyle=""> <soapenv:body> <messageexpo_01response xmlns=""> <result> <responseid>0</responseid> <responsecode>Succes</responsecode> <exponumber>11111</exponumber> <yourref>123</yourref> <commited>true</commited> <responsemessage>Opdracht ingelezen</responsemessage> </result> </messageexpo_01response> </soapenv:body> </soapenv:envelope>