How to show two views with a parent-child association in context

I've got two entities, say departments and employees. I want to show both entities in grids. When changing the selected department, the employees shown in the second grid should refresh to show the correct employees of the selected department. When inserting the employees grid, there's no possibility to add the association between departments and employees. Anyone got any idea how to achieve this?
2 answers

You can achieve this by having 2 grids and a dataview.

Use 1 datagrid that contains the departments, have a dataview that listens to your department datagrid and insert your 2nd datagrid in the dataview.

Because the dataview is a view on just 1 department, you are now able to select the reference on the datagrid to the selected department.


I believe you can use a form loader within a grid of department. The form loader can point to the association between department and employees. I also believe you can just nest grids. Have department be the outer grid and employees be the inner grid. Hope that helps.
