Error retrieving records in datagrid - 1 to NaN of {3}

I get the error 1 to NaN to {3} on a datagrid. Anyone familiar with this type of error? I found out that I get to see the rest of the records in this table. This grid is setup to show 20 records per page. The records after page 1 are shown. In my case records 21 to 23. ==== Edit ==== The issue is in the modeler. Below the model and the form. After New on the Order and New on the Order Contact, the Edit Order Contact form is opened. The Order/Description attribute in this form is the problem maker. Without this attribute, no problem. With this attribute, a Cancel on Edit Order Contact removes the Order object as well, leading to JSON error. In the end, I think this is the cause of the NaN. Somehow it is possible to create an OrderContact object with a reference to a non-existing Order object. I will file a report.
2 answers

Are your records deleted in the mean time?

Maybe the add a refresh in client?


It sounds like a bug in the datagrid widget to me, i would check if it still persists in 4.2.1 and otherwise file a bug report.
