Xpath constraint gives error required (...) + loop did not match anything at input /

I have a datagrid with as datasource "Database" and 'Orders' as Entity. Now I want my datagrid always filtered with new orders. So as Xpath contraint I tried: "/ / MyFirstApp.Orders [Status = 'New order']. Whatever I tried the error: required (...) + loop did not match anything at input '/' occured
1 answers

This is not the way to construct XPath in Mendix, from the reference guide found at https://world.mendix.com/display/refguide4/XPath :


In the Modeler you do not write complete queries but only the constraints. The entity is implicitly determined by the context. So, instead of //Sales.Customer[Name='Jansen'] you only write [Name='Jansen'] in the context of a customer. In Java you do write whole queries including the double slashes and the entity name."
