Sorting a datagrid

I have noticed that when I sort a column that the empty rows (inside the column) are always presented first no matter if I click sort up or down. This used to be different as I recall. Normally empty rows where presented first but clicking the sort moved them to the last position. Any reason why this has changed? Because now I always have to click a number of pages to see what the values are from a column if empty values are present.
3 answers

i am not really sure so someone else will have to correct me if i am wrong but is sorting not handelled by the database? If so then it might give you different results when you use different databases.


Maybe it's better to hide empty rows, then you don't have this problem. You can set this in the datagrid property "Show empty rows" within the appearance section.


Right click your data grid. Go into properties. Select NO for show empty rows. This way you do not have to deal with empty rows at all.
