Mendix generating Body but soapenv:Body is needed

I am trying to call an imported webservice using a domain-to-xml mapping. Mendix seems to be generating the XML message correctly. There is only one issue I am having. For the SOAP Body element the webservice is expecting the element to be called <soapenv:body> however Mendix is generating just <body>. If I paste the entire SOAP message from Mendix into Soap UI and change that one thing then it works. Any ideas?
2 answers

Is n't that just a matter of namespace? You can use a custom header, and paste the working header from SOAPUI.

BTW there seems be some issues with that in 4.2 (editing incorrectly disabled). Otherwise you have make it in 3.3. and upgrade to 4.2. – Chris de Gelder (2012-10-31) [Delete this comment]


You can create a custom header. Copy the working one from SOAP ui. Maybe de custom option is disabled in 4.2. Create in 3.3. and import the microflow into 4.2.1
