Logon page

Hi I'm new to Medix - have been through the Pizza Marrio tutorial and now asked to start building a Logon page for a project we are working on. I have looked the Mendix Company Expenses Project and executed it, which displays a logon page. But I can not find that form page in that Project so I'm assuming it is imported somehow. . My question, Is the logon page a Widget which has to be build separately? if yes, should I go through the Tutorial to build a Widget as the first step.
2 answers

Vinod, Mendix has a builtin login mechanism. This login form will be injected in the mendix app with javascript. So you just need to set your project security to show the login page.

Alternativly, there is a login widget which you can place on a form, in the appstore: https://appstore.mendix.com/link/app/Login%20form


Samet, top marks - that worked. It's a lot easier then I thought. - I'll look into the Widget solution later.
