Executing 2 data definition command(s) on datastore after each run

I have a strange thing in a model I am working on. Everytime I run the model (even after no change at all) postgres executes two data definition commands: UPDATE "mendixsystem$attribute" SET "entity_id" = '750afb7b-71c4-49ab-8f69-3eea11d98cd5', "attribute_name" = 'SourcePath', "column_name" = 'sourcepath', "type" = 30, "length" = 200, "default_value" = 'c:\\temp\\import', "is_auto_number" = FALSE WHERE "id" = '04e8cc4a-08d6-4da5-b75a-e3b599d060df'; UPDATE "mendixsystem$version" SET "versionnumber" = '4.0.6', "lastsyncdate" = '20121109 13:02:21'; Why does postgres executes these two data definition commands? (Mendix model version 4.2.1 and postgres version 9.1) Is this a bug or is there something else happening here? Regards, Ronald
2 answers

This is a bug which will be solved in Mendix 4.3. The cause of the problem is the handling of the backslashes in the default value of the attribute.


Can you file a ticket with your mpk and your database? We can't explain why it's trying to update a system table without actually changing the SourcePath attribute of some entity.
