Visibility of cel

I know it's possible to have the visibility of a ROW controlled by input in another row. But is it possible to have the visibility condition set on a single CELL on the SAME row?
2 answers

It is of course possible to place a table inside a single cell, then control the visibility of this inner table row.

In this situation I normally have an embedded table with 2 rows, one containing the attribute, the other empty, then set visibility based on an enum or boolean as normal so it either displays the attribute row, or the empty row. I have the extra empty row as in some themes, having nothing visibile results in a grey area.


AFAIK this depends on the contents of your cell. You cannot make only a cell conditionally visible/invisible.

But for microflow triggers within your cell, you can make them conditionally visible by rightclicking on the and choose for "edit condition for visible". For textboxes it's only possible to make them editable conditionally not visible.
