Mendix Service Console 2.2 with Itanium processor.

I am facing an error while starting service (Mendix Service Console 2.2) over Windows Server 2008 (64 bit) for Itanium Processor. System.Exception Cannot determine the Java executable type. at Mendix.MendixService.RuntimeRunner.GetJavaArgs(Settings settings, String jvmExePath) in C:\Mendix\3.0\Platform\modeler\Mendix.Service\RuntimeRunner\RuntimeRunner.cs:line 364 at Mendix.MendixService.RuntimeRunner.Start(Boolean askToSyncDatabase, LogLevel autoSubscribeLogLevel) in C:\Mendix\3.0\Platform\modeler\Mendix.Service\RuntimeRunner\RuntimeRunner.cs:line 60 at Mendix.MendixService.Service.OnStart(String[] args)
1 answers

Seems like your "Java path" in your configuration is not correct.

Edit after comment:

According to this post it should work in the mendix service console 2.x.x
