Java subprocess terminated with errorcode 3

Hello, I am trying to change the runtime_port in the m2ee.yaml file. Any value below 1000 returns the title-mentioned error message. The documentation and forum topics searches have come up dry. Can someone point me to how I could change the port number [I tried wiriting it in the 4-digits format of 0999 and it does not work]
3 answers

I most cases there no reason to change this port number, normally you use port forwarding in the web server software to connect for example external port 80 to run time port 8080


What kind of server are you running on? Opening ports below 1024 may be restricted.


I just looked this up, error code 3 means you've likely chosen a port number that is already in use. This seems not to be documented.

Anyway, you cannot use a port below 1024, because those are only available when running as root, which I hope you certainly are not doing with your Mendix application process.
