@Sander i tried reproducing your issue and i got the same problems that you did. It seems that the functions printDebugMessages and printInfoMessages
are no longer available. I would suggest filing a support ticket for this.
Mendix recently updated the MxModelreflection module in the appstore. Could that solve the problem?
I'm having the same problems after the 4.2.2 update. I also tried to update the MxModelReflection module, but this caused some java errors in the excel importer module:
[javac] ...\javasource\excelimporter\reader\readers\ExcelReader.java:440: cannot find symbol
[javac] symbol : method printDebugMessages(java.lang.Boolean)
[javac] location: class excelimporter.reader.readers.replication.ExcelReplicationSettings
[javac] settings.printDebugMessages( (Boolean)addProperties.getValue(context, AdditionalProperties.MemberNames.PrintDebugMessages.toString()) );