Start XAS without startup microflow

Is there a way, without redeploying, to start the XAS without executing the start-up microflow? Currently, when i change the model, my start-up microflow fails because the datamodel is not synchronized. However, i cannot synchronize since the XAS quits after failure of the start-up microflow. (Currently, the work-around is to disable the startup in the modeler, deploy, synchronize, re-enable, redeploy).
1 answers

You need to use the maintainance mode first.

Basically you will need the following five steps to initialize your deployment in a production environment:

  • Start the Mendix Business Server in maintenance mode
  • Create system tables
  • Synchronize the database with the model
  • Create an administrator account
  • Start the framework in normal mode

Start the Mendix Business Server in maintenance mode

You can configure the Mendix Business Server to start maintenance mode by adding or updating the following line in application.conf:

MaintenanceMode = true

Then start the application by starting the service (Windows) or run it as a deamon (Linux) or using the DOS box. In the deployment folder one can find a file Mx.cmd which starts the Mendix Business Server in a DOS box

Create system tables

When starting the Mendix Business Server, the first step to be taken is the creation of the system tables.

INFO - CONNECTIONBUS: Initializing ConnectionBus...
INFO - CONNECTIONBUS: Trying to create initial databaseconnection...
INFO - CONNECTIONBUS: Name: hkr_myproject; Type: JDBC data store; URL: jdbc:postgresql://postgres83/hkr_myproject; Driver: org.postgresql.Driver

Executing 37 data store commands...                                            |

INFO - CONNECTIONBUS: 37 data definition commands executed on data store.

The database server now lists the following content of the database:

hkr_myproject=> \d
                          List of relations
 Schema |                  Name                   |   Type   | Owner
 public | system$actionlock                       | table    | mendix
 public | system$actionlock_id_seq                | sequence | mendix
 public | system$actionlock_user                  | table    | mendix
 public | system$actionlock_xasinstance           | table    | mendix
 public | system$clustermanager                   | table    | mendix
 public | system$grantableroles                   | table    | mendix
 public | system$language                         | table    | mendix
 public | system$language_id_seq                  | sequence | mendix
 public | system$scheduledeventinformation        | table    | mendix
 public | system$scheduledeventinformation_id_seq | sequence | mendix
 public | system$session                          | table    | mendix
 public | system$session_id_seq                   | sequence | mendix
 public | system$session_user                     | table    | mendix
 public | system$statistics                       | table    | mendix
 public | system$statistics_id_seq                | sequence | mendix
 public | system$user                             | table    | mendix
 public | system$user_id_seq                      | sequence | mendix
 public | system$user_language                    | table    | mendix
 public | system$userrole                         | table    | mendix
 public | system$userrole_id_seq                  | sequence | mendix
 public | system$userroles                        | table    | mendix
 public | system$xasinstance                      | table    | mendix
 public | system$xasinstance_id_seq               | sequence | mendix
(23 rows)

Synchronize the database with the model

  1. Press '1' and 'Enter' to validate the database structure
  2. Press '3' and 'Enter' to synchronize the database structure (this option is only available when the database is out of sync)

    ERROR - CONNECTIONBUS: Main Datastore is out-of-sync with metamodel! (124 datastore validation queries) INFO - CONNECTIONBUS: Initializing ConnectionBus done (725 ms) INFO - CORE: Maintenance Mode active: NOT Initializing Session Manager, External Interface, Modules, Scheduled Events INFO - CORE: Mendix XML Application Server has been started in ACCEPTATION mode. INFO - CORE: XAS fully started on Tue Oct 07 20:36:12 CEST 2008 (total initialization time: 3791ms)

    1: Synchronize modeler file 2: Advanced 3: About x: Shutdown

    Type your choice and press <enter> to continue: 1 2008-10-07 20:36:40.861 INFO - CONNECTIONBUS: Validating data store structure...

    There are 124 validation commands to execute to synchronize the database structure.

    1: Show all 2: Write all to file 3: Synchronize modeler file 4: Synchronize modeler file without data store structure validation b: Back x: Shutdown

    Type your choice and press <enter> to continue: 3

    Executing 124 data store commands... | ................................................................................

    INFO - CONNECTIONBUS: 124 data definition commands executed on data store.

Create an administrator account

In Acceptation/Production Mode creating an administrative user account can be done using the Advanced -> Create/Update Administrative User Account option listed in the console menu.

  1. Press '2' and 'Enter'
  2. Press '6' and 'Enter'

Do not use the name MxAdmin

1:       Synchronize modeler file
2:       Advanced
3:       About
x:       Shutdown

Type your choice and press <Enter> to continue: 2

1:       Core
2:       Connection Bus
3:       Synchronize object instances
4:       ExternalInterface
5:       Microflow
6:       Create/Update Administrative User Account
b:       Back
x:       Shutdown

Type your choice and press <Enter> to continue: 6

Currently there are no users with role MxAdministrator

Username: MyAdmin
Confirm password:
Resetting user account data for MyAdmin

Start the framework in normal mode

You can configure the Mendix Business Server to start in normal mode again by updating the following line:

MaintenanceMode = false