Running Mendix over a small LAN on Windows 7

A client wishes to run a Mendix application as a Service over a small LAN, where a desktop server with windows 7 is inteded as the server. I'm building a test-setup of the application on my own system by way of trial. For this I've taken the Mendix on Windows guide ( as a manual. Everything works fine, up to the point where I need to define MIME types in the IIS manager. The feature to add these simply is not available. A quick search suggests that this is because of certain static content settings that need to be changed in the Server Management console. Which, unfortunately, is not part of windows 7. I guess the first question would be; is it even possible to deploy a working Mendix Service from a Windows 7 environment? And if so, does anyone have any advice/workarounds for setting up the IIS server on Windows 7?
5 answers

Right, I've gotten a bit further. Most settings seem (to my inexpert eye) to be done. When I attempt to start the service in Mendix Service Console 3.0, I get the following error:

com.mendix.m2ee.api.AdminException: runtime.start() should not throw anything other than AdminException! at fP.a(SourceFile:58) Caused by: com.mendix.systemwideinterfaces.MendixRuntimeException: ImagePath C:\TestEnvironments[projectname]\Project\web\ui\images\icons is not a directory

I'll freely admit I'm out of my dept. I've checked the icons directory, but I can find nothing wrong with it. I'm guessing the actual cause of the error is something else, but I haven't found any reference to this exact error anywhere.


Try this how to install iis server on windows 7




Thanks for the link. I've got IIS configured and working (up to a point). However, the IIS Manager doesn't show the MIMEtype feature I need .

A reason + solution is suggested in this link:

The solution requires the aforementioned Server Management feature that is not part of Windows 7. Is there a way around this?

On a sidenote, the Mendix-on-Windows manual mentions specific configurations for Windows Server 2003 and 2008 later in the manual (haven't gotten that far yet) so I fear that even if I manage to work around this specific issue, my troubles aren't over yet. Has anyone tried a similar Windows 7 setup before?


Could you not just set the mime type in the registry? See this


Could work. My experience with reg is somewhat limited, but it looks reasonably straightforward. Will give it a shot. Thanks for the suggestion. I'll let you know how things pan out!
