Upgrade project Mendix 3.3.3 to Mendix 4.2.2

We are trying to upgrade our project from Mendix 3.3.3 to Mendix 4.2.2. When we open the project in Mendix 4.2.2, we get the following error: The project could not be opened, because it was created with version 3.3.3 of the Modeler, which is incompatible with this version of the Modeler. Is there a way to upgrade, or do we need to downgrade first? If so what is the right version to upgrade from.
2 answers

AFAIK you can't upgrade from 3.3.3 to 4.2.2 because it's a incompatible migration path. Both are released on the same day.

3 december Mendix 4.3.0 will be released, maybe you can upgrade to that version.


Like Samet said, these versions were released on the same day. However there are no incompatible model changes so we should have added it as a possibility. If you can wait then I suggest waiting for the 4.3.0 release, otherwise please file a support ticket.
