Add a reference using a microflow

I have 2 entities Account & Project, association is reference set. I have a MF that sets AccountProject so that user role 1 (Team Lead) can see her Projects when she logs in. This MF uses change object to set the value of AccountProject. I want to use another MF that adds a reference to allow user role 2 (Manager) to see her projects. I can't use change object again as this overwrites the value set by the first MF. I need to use MFs because there are too many to do manually using the reference set form approach. Anyone help me with this?
1 answers

When changing a reference set you have 3 options (radiobutton in change object):

  1. Set
  2. Add
  3. Remove

When using Set the reference set will be set to the object or list passed.

When using Add the reference set will be adjusted and the object or list is added to the list of already existing values.

When using Remove the reference set will be adjusted and the object or list is removed from the list of already existing values.

When setting the manager you should use Add instead of Set.
