Question about commit in Team Server after adjustements theme

The following error details where given when I tried to commit my team server project, what to do? The only thing I did was deleting some old theme's and now I like to update my team server project. (commit fails). SharpSvn.SvnClientApiException: 'C:\Data\Mendix\Mendix 4.x\Westland-main\theme\themedaywizev4.2.1e - Westland\files\00\13' has local modifications -- commit or revert them first bij SharpSvn.SvnClientArgs.HandleResult(SvnClientContext client, SvnException error, Object targets) in g:\dist\src\sharpsvn\svnclientargs.cpp:regel 78 bij SharpSvn.SvnClientArgs.HandleResult(SvnClientContext client, svnerrort* error, Object targets) in g:\dist\src\sharpsvn\svnclientargs.cpp:regel 42 bij SharpSvn.SvnClient.Delete(ICollection1 paths, SvnDeleteArgs args) in g:\dist\src\sharpsvn\commands\delete.cpp:regel 85 bij SharpSvn.SvnClient.Delete(String path) in g:\dist\src\sharpsvn\commands\delete.cpp:regel 33 bij Mendix.Modeler.VersionControl.RevCommitter.<>c__DisplayClass2d.<HandleStatus>b__29(SvnClient c) in c:\cygwin\home\autobuild\build\Mendix-4\modeler\Modeler\VersionControl\RevCommitter.cs:regel 314 bij Mendix.Modeler.VersionControl.SvnUtil.ClientDo[T](Func2 action) in c:\cygwin\home\autobuild\build\Mendix-4\modeler\Modeler\VersionControl\SvnUtil.cs:regel 174 bij Mendix.Modeler.VersionControl.RevCommitter.HandleStatus(Project project, SvnStatusEventArgs status) in c:\cygwin\home\autobuild\build\Mendix-4\modeler\Modeler\VersionControl\RevCommitter.cs:regel 314 bij Mendix.Modeler.VersionControl.RevCommitter.DoFileManagement(CommitState state) in c:\cygwin\home\autobuild\build\Mendix-4\modeler\Modeler\VersionControl\RevCommitter.cs:regel 281
3 answers

First try to deploy locally once and then commit. In most cases this is enough.

If the error remains you can use Tortoise SVN client (mind the correct version), connect with the repository and remove the files from the repository to solve this conflict.


When you browse to your local project directory, and right click the theme directory you should see a option Tortoise SVN > repo browser

Sign in with your Mendix ID and Password

Goto the folder Trunk > Theme there you can alter the contents in the repo browser on the teamserver.

But be very carefull using this option, you can delete the theme files by right click and choose delete.


I will try the tortoisesvn option, because locally deploying does not do the trick.
