GWT (Google Web Toolkit)

Does Mendix support the use of GWT? Edit (for Chris): I want to create a module that implements gmail api. Edit (for Achiel): I want to know whether it is easier to implement a mail server via Gmail through GWT or Google API. I posted about Google API and if anyone had experience with Mendix and it but received no responses. From there I decided to look into GWT thinking maybe Mendix developers have had more experience with that. Edit (for down voters): Down votes are, generally, for off-topic questions and answers. Not for poorly worded questions, repeated questions, etc. Source: Please, if you are going to be involved in a voting based forum, know how to vote. (I expect down votes from trolls due to this edit.)
4 answers

Mendix uses the dojo framework but jquery is used as well in some widgets (see calender widget for example).

After a some googling I get the impression that is harder to combine GWT with dojo than jquery. But I have no experience with it.

Usually I use jquery when a nice widget is offered, what are you looking for?

Edit: if you want to create module that allows you to receive and send mail via google use the java libaries that Google provides.


I want to create a module that implements gmail api.


I don't think you should use GWT to solve your mail server connectivity problem. Since GWT is meant to be a client side library it would collide with or overwrite large parts of mendix/dojo. It might be possible to let both libraries work together but this would create a very fat client of which i am not sure you would want that either.

I would suggest to use some form of server side integration that will allow you to sync the server with gmail and then show that data on your forms. Then again maby you could somehow realise an integration with gwt that reads directly from your gmail and does not store the mail except for a selected few. This could possibly reduce your amount of disk space :]

It all depends on what type of solution you are looking for and how much of the mendix/dojo framework you want to reuse.


I don't think you should use GWT to solve your mail server connectivity problem. Since GWT is meant to be a client side library it would collide with or overwrite large parts of mendix/dojo. It might be possible to let both libraries work together but this would create a very fat client of which i am not sure you would want that either.

I would suggest to use some form of server side integration that will allow you to sync the server with gmail and then show that data on your forms. Then again maby you could somehow realise an integration with gwt that reads directly from your gmail and does not store the mail except for a selected few. This could possibly reduce your amount of disk space :]

It all depends on what type of solution you are looking for and how much of the mendix/dojo framework you want to reuse.
