Document template custom style table

We use a table in a data view (contains 1 row and 5 columns) and a table in a datagrid in a Document template. I experience a lot of issues applying custom styles to these tables. E.g. I cannot find a way to make the tables wider (both tables > I tried adding the width command in the custom style pane and also tried adjusting the page size), in the dataview variant, all columns are displayed without any spacing and limited to the text it contains. For now I can only generate the datagrid in monospaced font and determine the width of the columns by adding spaces to the columnheaders. I am generating a document in HTML. Any advice on how to determine the widths of these tables/columns/rows? Thanks. Brian
1 answers

I also needed to make the data grid wider. I made a new class that targets the grid table in the css with the specific width and then assigned those classes to the grid.

Example: .Width2000 .mendixDataGrid_gridTable { width:2000px; }

Then in the modeler, click on the entire grid, insert "Width7500" in the class area.
