set up users

hi, need help on my project. i'm making a web application to report to my costumers. i have a "clients" Entity and other entitys that relate to the "clients" Entity. the goal is to give a user and pass to my costumers wich must be related to the "Clients" Entity since its theyre companys that are registered in this entity fields. so i need somehow to relate the "clients" entity to users so that when they log in they have access to all the data related to theyre company. can anybody tell me how to do this? i'm new in Mendix, dont know java or php,.. not a programmer, need the simplest explanation, step-by-step.
1 answers
  1. Create an entity which represents a user and set Generalization in the domain model to Administration.Account.
  2. Create a userrole for the client users and assign it to the new account entity
  3. In the domain model draw a line from the new entity to the client entity (1 client can have multiple users)
  4. Create accounts from the client form so the users are related to that client. 4.Update the domain model security so that all entities relating to the client have access rules for the role created in step 2
  5. Open the access rule and set the security, goto tab xpath constraint and click path to user
  6. Select the path over the client and on to the user account, if it's valid the select button will be available.