Is it possible to use my datagrid as input for my widget?

Hi, I want to pass in a the list of objects displayed in the datagrid into my widget and make my widget listen to changes on it. Is this possible? I know I can set the needsEntityContext="true" but it seems to only work with a data view. Thanks, Alex
2 answers

You could place your widget in a data view that listens to a data grid. Then the object of the data view, which is the selected object in the data grid, is available to your widget. This does not work for multi-select, though.


Thanks for the answer but that is not exactly what I want to accomplish. What I want is a list of objects and do something with it within my widget.

I could also select the entity and use xpath to retrieve all the objects I want, but then I miss the fact that my widget is not refreshed if the data changes. But maybe there is another way from within the widget to make it listen to the entity?

