Documentation of Mendix code (flows, etc.) - What are the best practices?

Are there reports, I can generate, from the models' documentation? Is there an API I can use, to retrieve that information? EDIT: It's not possible. To document your code see Samet's reply.
1 answers


Do you want to document your java-code in java-actions or in your mendix model? Anyway, in your mendix model the following options are possible:

  • You can add documentation to your domain model by editing the documentation on domain model or entity level
  • You can add annotations in your microflows in order to documentate your business logic and decisions
  • In most mendix documents it's possible to edit the document, for example a mendix form, published webservice etc.

If you don't see the documentation tab right to the others tabs, just click in your menu at View ->> Documentation

