Go to project security, anonymous users, choose sign-in microflow. This microflow has 2 parameters: AnonymousUser and SignedInUser.
I don't really understand how the sign-in microflow should be used.
The sign-in microflow is executed when an end-user:
- Uses your application without signing in (thus as an anonymous user), and then
- clicks a button for which she does not have access, which causes a sign-in screen to appear, and then
- signs in to your application.
Source: https://world.mendix.com/display/refguide4/Project+Security
But how can an anonymous user click on a button for which he does not have access? These buttons are filtered out but the platform, since the anonymous user does not have permissions.
Also the sign in microflow is never called from my custom java login action. So i still can't access the anonymous user that tried to login.
I also noticed that when a user directly open the login.html, no anonymous user is created at all.