Cannot connect to the running mendix service. maybe the service could not be started

We encounter the following error when starting the application as a (windows) service from the server console: Cannot connect to the running mendix service. maybe the service could not be started. We use 422 release and during the first deployments, this seemed to work without any issues. We do not get this issue when we start the application as application from teh server console. We now have to start the service from outside the server console to deploy our application. How can we prevent this error?
1 answers

This error will be solved in the next version after Mendix Windows Service 4.1. That version will be suitable for Mendix 3 and later.

If this error occurs, the service starts correctly, but the Service Console tries to connect too quickly to the service. If you restart the Service Console, you will see that the service is running and the Service Console will show log messages of the service.
