Form Loader widget issues with Internet Explorer

I am having problems with the Form Loader widget from the appstore in Internet Explorer 9. It works OK in Firefox and Chrome, but not in IE. The error displayed is: Error when loading url Tickets/selfserviceannouncements.mxf: Could not load class 'FormLoader.widget.FormLoader The form then does not fully load and cannot be used. I have tried clearing the cache, etc. Does anyone else have an issue with this? Edit: I'm using the latest version Pieter. It looks like the issue is somehow connected to my theme - it works OK with some other themes. It's something in the index-theme.html structure that it doesn't like with version 4.3.2. I'm still investigating Edit I have identified the issue, although I am not sure if it was caused by the new version of Mendix, or a service pack patch for IE, probably the latter The non-working html file starts The working html file starts The only difference is that the CSS file link is in a different position... Hope this saves someone else some time.
2 answers

If your custom theming makes the differences I would look into that. I think it is not possible to say anything remotely useful without seeing the theme.

But probably there is some broken javascript included or some other broken custom widget. If one widget is broken, all will fail to load since they are stored in the same widget.js. So most probably some other widget or custom javascript is broken and this will have nothing to do with the formloader. You get this error just because it is the first custom widget it tries to display.


We also had this issue on a few different occasions, but fixed it by turning off Quirks mode. You can check if that makes any difference for you using the IE developer tools (although seeing as you have the solution in this case it wouldn't matter anymore).

Quirks mode can have a lot of impact on your styling, we've noticed.
