StackOverflowError in production

We're seeing the stacktrace below every hour in our application log. When we search in our application logs, we see the stacktrace on different times, so it's not possible to track which action is responsible. Our app is a scheduled event app which is running different scheduled events constantly. So it's almost impossible to rule out any actions. Is there anything we can do to know what's going wrong? Specs: On premise windows 2003 environment MSSQL 2005 Mendix 3.3.2 Stacktrace: 2013-01-21 14:50:02.203 CRITICAL - M2EE: An unhandled error occurred in the MxRuntime. 2013-01-21 14:50:02.203 CRITICAL - M2EE: java.lang.StackOverflowError at java.util.LinkedList.listIterator(Unknown Source) at java.util.AbstractList.listIterator(Unknown Source) at java.util.AbstractSequentialList.iterator(Unknown Source) at fe.a(SourceFile:1468) at fe.a(SourceFile:660) at fe.a(SourceFile:655) at fe.a(SourceFile:655) at fe.a(SourceFile:655) at fe.a(SourceFile:655) [repeated] Stacktrace: 2013-04-12 16:00:55.982 CRITICAL - M2EE: java.lang.StackOverflowError at java.util.ArrayList.get(Unknown Source) at org.jaxen.saxpath.base.XPathReader.LT( at org.jaxen.saxpath.base.XPathReader.match( at org.jaxen.saxpath.base.XPathReader.nameTest( at org.jaxen.saxpath.base.XPathReader.nodeTest( at org.jaxen.saxpath.base.XPathReader.step( at org.jaxen.saxpath.base.XPathReader.steps( at org.jaxen.saxpath.base.XPathReader.relativeLocationPath( at org.jaxen.saxpath.base.XPathReader.locationPath( at org.jaxen.saxpath.base.XPathReader.pathExpr( at org.jaxen.saxpath.base.XPathReader.unionExpr( at org.jaxen.saxpath.base.XPathReader.unaryExpr( at org.jaxen.saxpath.base.XPathReader.multiplicativeExpr( at org.jaxen.saxpath.base.XPathReader.additiveExpr( at org.jaxen.saxpath.base.XPathReader.relationalExpr( at org.jaxen.saxpath.base.XPathReader.equalityExpr( at org.jaxen.saxpath.base.XPathReader.andExpr( at org.jaxen.saxpath.base.XPathReader.orExpr( at org.jaxen.saxpath.base.XPathReader.orExpr( at org.jaxen.saxpath.base.XPathReader.orExpr(
1 answers

If you relate this to a scheduled event calling a java action I think limiting your options is the way to go: - Exclude the scheduled event which don't have custom java from the suspicion list (maybe none ;-) ) - Add a log activity at the start and end of each suspicious Scheduled event; logging start/end time & name of SE

Next StackOverflow error, a scheduled event has been started and never ended. So that must be the one.

Or am I to easy on this?
