Need to integrate with external MySQL DB - Best approach?

Hi guys, I need to write/read a MySQL external DB. What is the best approach? What I'm thinking to do: [TO READ] Create a Java method to import data from MySQL DB and translate it into XML. THen, read the XML, via webservice, into Mendix application. [TO WRITE] Create a webservice; translate the Mendix entity into XML; Consume the webservice from the Java code; translate the XML into a MySQL query. This is it? Or is there some other mechanism, I don't know about, in version 4? Thanks.
2 answers

When you say java method/java code, are you referring to code you are writing in Java actions or actual standalone java programs? If you would be writing them in Java actions then I wouldn't take the additional step of xml/webservices but simply directly create new mendix objects from code. If they are standalone java applications then this would be the way to go, the preferred integration method is indeed webservices.


The appstore database replication module is the general way to integrate with third party databases. Not sure whether it supports MySQL out of the box, but adding support for an additional JDBC driver should not be too hard.
