migrating 3.2.1. ==> 4.2.2 - links to files are missing

We are trying to migrate from Mendix 3.x ==> 4.x everythings works perfectly fine except the migration of the file documents. After migrating the application cannot find any of the previously uploaded file documents. Checking the files document on the server shows that all the files are still there in the files folder. does the migration of 3 ==> 4 make changes to the database that may result in breaking the links to files that are present on the file system.
3 answers

Did you perform the migration ON the server where the files were located? If not, you should because it also moves/renames files.


If you need to move them from one location to an other...... (we moved from Custom Cloud to Regular)

The files NEED TO GO into a zipped file with a .backup extension in order to load them into the new environment !


@Bas: this is the complete msg i get.

Unknown option CREATE INDEX "idxmendixsystem$entityentityname" ON "mendixsystem$entity" Do you want to (v)iew queries, (s)ave them to a file, (e)xecute and save them, or (a)bort: ("entityname"); Unknown option ("entityname"); Do you want to (v)iew queries, (s)ave them to a file, (e)xecute and save them, or (a)bort: CREATE TABLE "mendixsystem$entityidentifier" ( Unknown option CREATE TABLE "mendixsystem$entityidentifier" ( Do you want to (v)iew queries, (s)ave them to a file, (e)xecute and save them, or (a)bort: "id" varchar(36) NOT NULL, Unknown option "id" varchar(36) NOT NULL, Do you want to (v)iew queries, (s)ave them to a file, (e)xecute and save them, or (a)bort: "shortid" int2 NULL, Unknown option "shortid" int2 NULL, Do you want to (v)iew queries, (s)ave them to a file, (e)xecute and save them, or (a)bort: "objectsequence" int8 NULL, Unknown option "objectsequence" int8 NULL, Do you want to (v)iew queries, (s)ave them to a file, (e)xecute and save them, or (a)bort: PRIMARY KEY("id")); Unknown option PRIMARY KEY("id")); Do you want to (v)iew queries, (s)ave them to a file, (e)xecute and save them, or (a)bort: CREATE INDEX "idxmendixsystem$entityidentifiershortid" ON "mendixsystem$entit yidentifier" Unknown option CREATE INDEX "idxmendixsystem$entityidentifiershort_id" ON "mendixsystem$entit yidentifier"
