Did you perform the migration ON the server where the files were located? If not, you should because it also moves/renames files.
If you need to move them from one location to an other...... (we moved from Custom Cloud to Regular)
The files NEED TO GO into a zipped file with a .backup extension in order to load them into the new environment !
@Bas: this is the complete msg i get.
Unknown option CREATE INDEX "idxmendixsystem$entityentityname" ON "mendixsystem$entity" Do you want to (v)iew queries, (s)ave them to a file, (e)xecute and save them, or (a)bort: ("entityname"); Unknown option ("entityname"); Do you want to (v)iew queries, (s)ave them to a file, (e)xecute and save them, or (a)bort: CREATE TABLE "mendixsystem$entityidentifier" ( Unknown option CREATE TABLE "mendixsystem$entityidentifier" ( Do you want to (v)iew queries, (s)ave them to a file, (e)xecute and save them, or (a)bort: "id" varchar(36) NOT NULL, Unknown option "id" varchar(36) NOT NULL, Do you want to (v)iew queries, (s)ave them to a file, (e)xecute and save them, or (a)bort: "shortid" int2 NULL, Unknown option "shortid" int2 NULL, Do you want to (v)iew queries, (s)ave them to a file, (e)xecute and save them, or (a)bort: "objectsequence" int8 NULL, Unknown option "objectsequence" int8 NULL, Do you want to (v)iew queries, (s)ave them to a file, (e)xecute and save them, or (a)bort: PRIMARY KEY("id")); Unknown option PRIMARY KEY("id")); Do you want to (v)iew queries, (s)ave them to a file, (e)xecute and save them, or (a)bort: CREATE INDEX "idxmendixsystem$entityidentifiershortid" ON "mendixsystem$entit yidentifier" Unknown option CREATE INDEX "idxmendixsystem$entityidentifiershort_id" ON "mendixsystem$entit yidentifier"