Multi language support for data

I'm developing an application which has to support multiple languages. There are multiple objects which are created at run time that have a description attribute. These descriptions also need to be translated. Do you have a suggestion for a design pattern for this use case? What's your experience with a situation like this? How I planned to solve it: (whenever an object which inherits from Description is loaded, the correct translation is put in the DisplayText attribute, based on the language of the user).
2 answers

Not sure what you are trying to do, but I have an application which has Dutch, French and English users. The modeler provides all functionality to handle this and the users will see the proper captions, helptext etc. based on their "Default" language at account lvl...


Maybe putting all your "static"descriptions in one enum is an option. I suppose that when the objects are created at runtime, the description will not be changed afterwards. Create an extra attribute which holds the enum value. Enums are translatable.

An other option is using a special multi-lingual description entity. All relevant description attributes can defined as calculated based on a microflow which retrieves the description in the right language.
