inform users when a new item is available

We need to inform users when e.g. a new task is assigned to them or e.g. a new email arrives in the system. E.g. by displaying a red circle on top of a tab (more or less comparable to the red circle when a required field is not filled in). The functionality should also work when the user is not in the form that displays the specific entity data grid. E.g. user is working in email tab, and a new task arrives in another tab.
2 answers

I did not try this, but may be this should work:

  1. Check with an after commit microflow when a new task or mail is received if the current user needs to be informed ie. that the current user should do something with the new task or mail.
  2. If so, show a non blocking message with the right info.

No matter what the user is doing I think this message will appear in the lower corner of the screen.




Brian, can't you use the form loader widget? You could create one form which is displaying all notifications in 1 form. Embed this form in your theming and the only thing you need to model is the notifications associated to the current user.
