Dataset OQL error

Hi, I have a simple Domain model: Description (attribute: Name) Thing (*:1 association: Description) A dataset with OQL query: FROM Mod.Thing SELECT Mod.Thing_Description/Mod.Description/Name as Name and a Basic report with this dataset, which is working. If I change the OQL query to something like: FROM Mod.Thing SELECT Mod.Thing_Description/Mod.Description/Name as Title and update the report (EDIT+ using 'get columns from data set'), I get 2 errors: Report data column schema: Data schema Mod.Thing - 1 Name This report hasn't configurated a column with name 'title' or the OQL result is invalid. I'm new to Mendix. Is this the expected behaviour? What am I doing wrong?
1 answers

The rename features from the domain model don't exist in the OQL/Reporting part of Mendix. If you change the 'as Name' into 'as Title' you have to update the columns in the report yourself.
