How to give a global Go or No Go for committing a transaction?

I have a large microflow (a transaction) which validates and changes several different entities. These entities may only be committed when the total transaction is a succes. Otherwise none of the entities may be committed. I can only see a microflow activity for rolling back just one object, but I need a way to roll back (or negate the commit on) multiple entities at once. Note: I do not mean multiple records of the same entity, but one or multiple records of different entities. Thanks in advance for your thoughts.
2 answers

How do you define the total transaction to be a success? If there are actual errors in the process then the entire transaction will be rollbacked anyway (unless otherwise specified)

If you are referring to some kind of check you do manually near the end then it seems logical to only commit the objects when this check succeeds.


With community commons you can create an exception so all commits in the the complete microflow are rolled back.
