Installing a deployment package on server with 4.4.2 failed
I have installed Client 4.2.2 on my laptop, convert my existing 4.2.1. app and created a new Deployment Package ( via Project – Create Deployment Package ) On the server ( our app works on premises and not in the Mendix Cloud ), I saw the server version was 4.4.0. Now a strange issue, server 4.4.0 has still the green checkbox, the 4.4.2 is just added. When I delete the 4.4.0 version the green checkbox is gone, but the text 4.4.0 is grey with the text ‘4.4.0. is deleted but needed’. Now I like to update my project ( <myproject>.mda ) but get the error “The file is not a valid Deployment Archive” I have tried this when Server 4.4.0 and 4.4.2 are both installed and when 4.4.0 was deleted.
Jan de Lange
2 answers
Are you absolutely sure you have performed all the needed steps?
Create a new project package from version 4.4.2 of the modeler
Uploaded the correct package (mda) file to your server
In the server Windows Service Console:
added the correct Mendix version (4.4.2)
Updated the application to the latest version (by selecting your application in the Console, click the Update App button, then in the following dialog click the Update App button again and navigate to the new mda file)
After that, start the application to update any database changes, then stop and start as a service
David Sanders
In all Mendix Releases are advertised. If you click on the desired modeller version and choose the Related downloads tab you are able to download the Server Runtime files for Linux (Server distribution) or Windows (Windows Service).
If you download the corresponding Windows Service 4.1 and install this on your server your problem should be fixed.