Export to Excel is counting null cells

Hi, We noticed when we use the Data Grid Export to Excel feature, all of our null fields are getting counted in the excel file. For example: In SQL ColumnA Row1 Null Row2 Null Row3 HasString In Excel Export ColumnA Row1 Row2 Row3 HasString When highlighting the three cells the total count = 3 . It should be 1. Also when I click in the empty cell and hit delete, it will then not count that empty cell. Question: Why would I need to delete an empty cell for the count to be accurate?
2 answers

The 'empty' cells maybe contain some control character (e.g. carriage return).


Thanks for the response. I also thought the same thing but I don't see carriage returns in the empty cells. Even if that is the case, would anyone know how to correct the "Export to Excel" so that null cells from a SQL database are not exported into counted empty cells in excel?

