open a tab using micro flow

Hi i wanted to know if it was possible to open a tab from a microflow, a saw that this question was already asked, and the answer was to hide the tab with a condition. the problem is when i put an entity enclosing the tabControl, knowing that this entity has a boolean attribute. i got this error "A nested data view cannot have a control bar". so can you just tell how could we open a tab from a microflow using mendix 4.4.2 ?
3 answers

I don't think you can. You can open a Web Form using a microflow, but there is no feature that I am aware of any capability that allows you to do this.

Not sure how the error you mention is related. Could describe a bit more about what is on your form?


actually i have solved it by deleting the control bar. now my question could we change the name of a tab using a microflow ?


No, tab names can't be dynamically changed. You could have 2 tabs, and hide or show a different one based on attributes or user roles. This would make it seem like the tab name was changing to the user....
