Convert Enumeration into a boolean?

I have certain enum values. However I want to use one of the enum values and get answer into a boolean. For example If enum value = live then true else false. I want to that add that true/false value into a newly created variable. I tried doing it by creating a variable in a microflow but couldn't succeed. Please help!
2 answers

Savan, there are 2 ways to do this that I can think of: First Way

  • Build a microflow that inspects the
    value of the enum and returns true if value = live and false otherwise
  • Create a boolean attribute on the
  • Make this attribute a
    calculated attribute and use the
    microflow created above

Second Way

  • Create a boolean attribute on the entity
  • Build a microflow that inspects the value of the enum and sets the value the boolean entity to true if value = live and false otherwise
  • make the microflow an event handler on the entity that is called when the entity is changed (careful not to commit the entity in the microflow using this method or you'll get errors)

Hope these help.


Why are you not succeeding? It seems fairly simple to create a new variable and set it to true if the value of an enum is live, e.g.alt text
