Webservice certificate error: unable to find valid certification path to requested target

I know I have to make some extra settings, but I'm not sure what to put in those settings to get my certificate working. What should be at the ClientCertificates path? I'm not sure how to find this path on the cloud server. Could someone point me in the right direction here? Should I also add the JavaKeyStorePassword here, besides the ClientCertificatePasswords?
2 answers

See documentation

Edit: No consuming but publishing a webservice. Can be uploaded in the cloud isn't it?


I've bought a certificate. When I upload this in my Business Modeler and call the java truststore, it works a-ok. I would think that if I upload this certificate in the cloud, it would work, but it does not... This is where I get lost. I don't get why I have to set extra settings when I've already uploaded my certificate and provided a password there.

I'm clearly missing something here, but not sure what.
