When setting a one to one association, is it required to first delete the existing association, prior to setting the new one? In the project, everything is working fine, but in the database, the data is not set 1-to1, but instead have multiple occurences for an association instead of just one. Example : EntityA and EntityB is linked via EntityB_EntityA (1-to-1). Record1 in EntityA is linked to Record1 in EntityB. EntityA1.EntityB_EntityA = EntityB1 In a microflow, we change it to Record1 in EntityA linked to Record2 in EntityB. EntityA1.EntityB_EntityA = EntityB2 The Reason I am asking, is because when we look in the data, even though everything is displaying and working fine in the system, the data does not reflect what is shown by the system. In the data we can see that EntiyA1 is linked to both EntityB1 and EntityB2 What is the correct method of doing the above scenario?
Frikkie Chalmers
2 answers
I am not sure if i understand you correctly.
But, if some entity has a 1-1 reference, it should never occur twice in the reference table.
Pieter van de Braak
Am I correct in assuming that, when you set a 1 to 1 association, that you must remove the existing association prior to setting the new one?