Calendar widget within listening dataview causes error

I placed a calendar widget within a dataview that listens to a datagrid. When selecting an object in the datagrid the listen function works fine. When deselecting the selected object (no object is selected) the server generates an error caused by the xpath constraint of the calendar object (UsageManagement.CustomerActionsactionEmployee = '[%CurrentObject%]']) Is there a way to bypass this contraint when no object is selected. Stack trace: com.mendix.core.CoreRuntimeException: Exception occurred in action '{"amount":-1,"sort":[{"direction":{},"memberName":"DueStartDate"}],"formName":"","returnsCount":false,"offset":-1,"type":"RetrieveXPathSchemaRawAction","xpath":"//UsageManagement.CustomerActions[UsageManagement.CustomerActions_action_Employee = '[%CurrentObject%]'] [CalendarAction = true()][(DueStartDate <= 1370815200000 and DoneEndDate <= 1371420000000) or (DueStartDate <= 1370815200000 and DoneEndDate >= 1371420000000) or (DueStartDate >= 1370815200000 and DoneEndDate <= 1371420000000) or (DueStartDate >= 1370815200000 and DoneEndDate >= 1371420000000)]"}', all database changes executed by this action were rolled back at com.mendix.core.actionmanagement.CoreAction.c(SourceFile:515) Caused by: n: An exception has occurred for the following request(s): fu (depth = -1): //UsageManagement.CustomerActions[UsageManagement.CustomerActions_action_Employee = '[%CurrentObject%]'] [CalendarAction = true()][(DueStartDate <= 1370815200000 and DoneEndDate <= 1371420000000) or (DueStartDate <= 1370815200000 and DoneEndDate >= 1371420000000) or (DueStartDate >= 1370815200000 and DoneEndDate <= 1371420000000) or (DueStartDate >= 1370815200000 and DoneEndDate >= 1371420000000)] at x.a(SourceFile:57) Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Global identifier should be a number (given value: [%CurrentObject%]) at ih.<init>(SourceFile:71)
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