Is it possible for Mendix to work with an existing database or an external datastore?

A customer needs an application to view and search existing data. Is it possible for Mendix to use an external datastore or an existing database? Eventually the goal is to build a complete Mendix application based on existing tables (in other words on top of an existing database).
3 answers

It is possible with Mendix to connect to external database (using an additional module). However, our preferred integration scenario is to use webservices. In general it is not recommended to let two applications write into the same database.

Another option is to import the contents of the existing database into the new database used by your Mendix application.


No, this is not possible. Mendix creates it's own database structures which don't play well with others. I'd recommend building a webservice and using that to connect to the external datastore. You could use that to either import all data or connect to it live.

The alternative is to write some kind of java action which will import a database dump from the old external datastore.


Hello Johan,

I have similar question.

I am looking for option to integrate Mendix with existing database of a legacy application.

As per Mendix web site:

The Domain model can then either generate a new database or, if your data is already managed in existing databases, be mapped to existing data sources such as databases, web services or file format.


(1) How to map the domain model to existing database?

(2) Would you please explain, any tips where to start?

(3) Also, are there plans to implement support for IBM DB2, and maybe IBM DB2 for System i (new name for IBM AS/400 and iSeries)?

Thanks, Alex.
