Extra information on create object of dataview

Can anyone explain to me how the property 'create object' works? I understand the general concept ('true' creates an object, 'false' doesn't), but it creates some confusing situations when working with custom made save and cancel buttons. My questions: 1) How does this property relate to the usage of custom 'new' buttons 2) How does this property relate to the usage of the context property 'keep' (we're not sure, but if there is a nested datagrid in dataview of Object x, and the context is set to 'keep', it looks like the constraint on Object x (with create object to 'false') doesn't work properly 3) How does this property work when used in combination with tabcontainers (or tabcontainers in tabcontainers). Here we have the feeling that the object is only created when the tabpage in which the dataview is situated is actually loaded 4) How does this property work when for instance there is a 1-1 reference between Object A and Object B, and we have a large form with serveral tabpages that contains 5 nested dataviews of Object B. Again, here we have the feeling that even with a 1-1 reference the nested object is created 5 times Tough topic I can imagine but we realy some insight because our gigantic customer-file form is getting very complicated!!!
1 answers

The best thing to do when using custom save and cancel buttons is managing the creation of objects yourself with the use of microflows. Set the "create object" property of every data view to false and create the object in the microflow that is connected to the custom new button. This will put you in control of the object creation process. It's a little more work, but it will save you a lot of time searching for bugs.
