rich text editor and document templates

We're using the rich text editor for user to create HTML content that's rendered in a document template (property: render as HTML to true). That works pretty good but we have an issue with paragraps. When a user use give just one carriage return key it renders as double line breaks in the generated document. The problem is in the inlinexhtml2fo.xsl that defines a space-before and space-after for a paragraph of 1em. I changed that in the Mendix installation folder to 0em (runtime/lib folder) and it works fine. The problem is: on a Mendix (cloud) server I can't change that file. I also tried to place the file in the project / resources folder hoping that Mendix would use that file as an override (it works that way for the fop.xconf file). But that didn't work. Any ideas about overwriting the .xsl file without changing installation folders? Or do I have to file a ticket..?
2 answers

You're better off filing a ticket for the rich text editor. This widget should render line breaks with the br tag and not with paragraphs. The document generator is treating the p tag correctly.



I tried to configure the Rich text editor to use BR instead of P. After that I get HTML like this:

<p>this is line one<br /><br />
this is line 2 after a blank line</p>

But when the user tries to center line two you get the following HTML:

<p style="text-align:center">this is line one<br /><br />
this is line 2 after a blank line</p>

And the whole paragraph is centered.
