remote debugger in the custom cloud

Hi we have an application which runs in the custom cloud and we are trying to connect the remote debugger we have enabled the debugger in M2ee. the application URL is so we have entered but we get the message "Unable to connect to a debugger at the specified location." should we add a specific port nr?
3 answers

The custom cloud proxies only select URIs to the app, apps running via the cloud portal (public cloud) currently proxies everything. This includes /debugger.

To enable it for a custom cloud environment, you'll have to file a ticket so that they can proxy those requests through.



Not sure about the custom cloud. I have used remote debugger in the public cloud. I go to the app platform and navigate to the Deploy tab for my project. Clicking the Details button for the acceptance environment takes me to the details screen for the app. On that screen is a button called Enable Debugging. When I click that, I'll see the server URL and Password for remote debugging.

One note: prior to 4.5, I could use remote debugging on Production and Acceptance. In 4.5, I can onlly access it for Acceptance. That button is not visible for production.



There's no need to add the port number, the debugger is simply a request handler on the same (default https) port your application is running at. I don't know what's wrong in your situation though, but then again I don't know much about this process in the custom cloud and how this debugger is activated. Maybe you could go to the debugger URL in your browser and see if it turns up an empty page with just {} and a message in your application log saying there's an unauthorized debugger request. If not then it doesn't seem the debugger is running. In that case I would file a ticket.
