teamserver connection issues: An error occurred while retrieving the branch lines

Trying to connect to (open) a teamserver project I get the error: An error occurred while retrieving the branch lines When I try to Update an existing teamserver project I get the following error: SharpSvn.SvnRepositoryIOException: Unable to connect to a repository at URL '' ---> SharpSvn.SvnRepositoryIOException: OPTIONS of '': could not connect to server ( --- End of inner exception stack trace --- at SharpSvn.SvnClientArgs.HandleResult(SvnClientContext client, SvnException error, Object targets) in g:\dist\src\sharpsvn\svnclientargs.cpp:line 78 at SharpSvn.SvnClientArgs.HandleResult(SvnClientContext client, svnerrort* error, Object targets) in g:\dist\src\sharpsvn\svnclientargs.cpp:line 42 at SharpSvn.SvnClient.InternalLog(ICollection1 targets, Uri logRoot, SvnRevision altPegRev, SvnLogArgs args, EventHandler1 logHandler) in g:\dist\src\sharpsvn\commands\log.cpp:line 343 at SharpSvn.SvnClient.Log(Uri target, SvnLogArgs args, EventHandler1 logHandler) in g:\dist\src\sharpsvn\commands\log.cpp:line 71 at Mendix.Modeler.VersionControl.SvnUtil.<>c__DisplayClass5c.<GetLog>b__58(SvnClient c) in c:\cygwin\home\autobuild\build\Mendix-4\modeler\Modeler\VersionControl\SvnUtil.cs:line 565 at Mendix.Modeler.VersionControl.SvnUtil.ClientDo[T](Func2 action) in c:\cygwin\home\autobuild\build\Mendix-4\modeler\Modeler\VersionControl\SvnUtil.cs:line 179 at Mendix.Modeler.VersionControl.SvnUtil.GetLog(Uri uri, Int32 limit, SvnRevision start, SvnRevision end, Func`2 filter, Boolean strictNodeHistory) in c:\cygwin\home\autobuild\build\Mendix-4\modeler\Modeler\VersionControl\SvnUtil.cs:line 565 Note that the issue seems to be PC specific. When I use another PC I can connect and everything seems to work fine. Since my local copy of the teamserver model contains some updates I would like to resolve this issue. I tried downloading and updating another teamserver based project (that was not on this PC yet) and I get the same error message (note that we did not use any branch lines). Logging on on the PC using another user does not make any difference. We checked network, firewall and all seems to be fine. We can ping the team server url etc... At the same PC I have another teamserver based project and this one is also giving the same errors. Since the last time the PC was used (last Thursday) no updates were done on the PC (at least not that I know of). I realize this is a PC specific issue, but we are running out of options and would like to know the root cause of this issue since potentially a lot of work gets lost. As such we consider it high priority.
2 answers

mendix support helped to resolve the issue. issue was caused by proxy server settings in SVN. the proxy server stopped after a reboot over the weekend. Since a short while the proxy is not used anymore by regular users and as such no one seemed to experience issues.
by removing the proxy settings in SVN (Tortoise client) and restarting my PC, the issue was resolved. Thanks all for your assistance. Brian


Did you install SVN on the machine and did you manually inspect the SVN repository browser to see what is causing the problem?


