domain to xml mapping for complex data type

Hi all, I am new to Mendix, I want to call some SAP WS from Mendix, the the request body for that WS is of complex type. I have used mapping option in request body and used a domain to xml mapping . In the Advance tab two params are showing but I have not selected any parameter for them there. There is no design time error but while running I am getting an error, - at mx.a(SourceFile:185) Caused by: com.mendix.modules.webservices.WebserviceException: Received SOAP fault, code: SOAP-ENV:Client, reason: Cannot find the required parameter [query] in request message content. Could you please let me know which step I am missing ? thanks in advance. Regards Sudipta.
1 answers

The error message indicates that there should be an XML element called 'query' in the SOAP request that you're sending. Apparently that element is not present in the domain-to-XML mapping.

I cannot deduce any further without seeing the actual WSDL of the web service that you're trying to call. If you could post the contents of the WSDL or a link and mention the name of the operation that you're trying to call, I might be able to help you further.
